As a leading web hosting provider, it offers a streamlined process for setting up a Bluehost business email with both free and paid options. This guide will assist you step-by-step, from choosing a hosting plan to configuring your webmail and exploring third-party integrations.

We’ll also discuss the value of owning a domain, the benefits of email forwarding, and offer alternatives to Bluehost. If you’re unfamiliar with what a business email is or what Bluehost offers, don’t worry—we’ll cover all the basics to get you started. Let’s dive in!

What’s a business email address?

What's a business email address?

A business email address sets you apart by including your company’s domain name instead of a generic email service provider like Gmail or Yahoo.

For instance, instead of, a business email would look something like, which not only boosts professionalism but also credibility. Businesses are more likely to take communication seriously if it comes from a domain-specific email, enhancing your chances of getting a response due to its professional appearance.

Now that we’ve covered what a business email is, let’s explore more about Bluehost.

What’s a Bluehost?

What's a Bluehost?

Bluehost is highly regarded as a leading WordPress hosting provider and one of the most popular in the market, often recommended due to its effective affiliate program. Many users acknowledge the influence of these recommendations but also appreciate the actual service quality.

Bluehost’s attractiveness stems from its affordability, particularly beneficial for those starting new projects. They offer free domains for the first year, SSL certificates, and CDN services, enhancing value.

Their 24/7 support and reliable performance with 99.9% uptime make them a practical choice for bloggers and website owners looking to balance cost and quality in web hosting.

Step-by-step setting up free Bluehost email

To set up a free business email with Bluehost, you’ll need a hosting plan and a domain registered through Bluehost. If you’re starting from scratch, follow the detailed steps provided to secure a domain and hosting and to create your Bluehost account.

If you already have these, you can skip ahead to the next step in the setup process.

Go to Bluehost

Choose a hosting plan

To start, navigate to Bluehost, select the WordPress section, and choose the “WordPress Hosting” option to select your hosting plan.

Choose "WordPress Hosting"

On this page, you’ll find several hosting plans available. Take your time to review each option, compare their features and benefits, and decide which plan best meets your needs.

Bluehost hosting pricing plans

Keep in mind that choosing a longer subscription, like 36 months, typically offers better discounts than a 12-month term. However, be aware of the standard rates after your initial subscription ends, as renewal prices are often significantly higher.

This is a common practice among hosting providers, not just Bluehost, so it’s wise to stay informed about your plan’s terms to avoid unexpected charges.

Create a new domain or use your own

Domain creation in Bluehost

On this page, you have the option to either register a new domain or enter a domain you already own.

Creating a new domain

Create a new domain Bluehost

Navigate to the “Create a new domain” section on the left, enter your desired domain name, choose your preferred domain extension (e.g., .com, .co, .org), and click “Next.”

Bluehost will then check the availability of your domain and display whether it is free or already taken.

Domain availability Bluehost

If the domain is available, you can proceed with it; if not, Bluehost will suggest alternatives, such as different domain extensions (e.g., switching from .com to .co).

Once you’ve selected an available domain, click “Continue,” fill in your personal and payment information, and complete the account creation process.

Choosing available domain in Bluehost

If you already have a domain, whether hosted with the same provider or elsewhere, you can connect it simply.

Go to the section labeled “Use domain you own,” enter your domain name in the provided box, and then click on “Next” to proceed.

Using already owned domain Bluehost

After selecting your domain, proceed by entering your personal and payment details. Once payment is processed, your account creation is complete.

Filling up the personal info in Bluehost

Now that you have an account, the next step is to create the email.

To set up your business email address in Bluehost, first log into your account dashboard. Once inside, navigate to the “Advanced” section to proceed with the setup.

Go to "Advanced" in Bluehost

After clicking on “Advanced” in your Bluehost account dashboard, you’ll be directed to a section known as cPanel.

Here, you should click on “Email Accounts” to proceed with setting up your business email.

Click on "Email Accounts" in Bluehost

In the “Email Accounts” section within the cPanel, you can view all your existing email addresses, manage them, create new ones, or delete the ones you no longer need.

Now, let’s go ahead and create a new business email.

Click on create email in Bluehost

At this step, you’ll need to input your personal information, such as a username and password, to create your email account.

Fill the personal email info in Bluehost Email

Below the section where you enter your username and password, there’s an “Optional Settings” tab. Clicking on this tab will allow you to choose your storage preferences for the email account.

Add email storage in Bluehost email

Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, simply click on “Create,” and your email account will be successfully created.

How can you use your business email?

Once you’ve set up your business email, you can access it in two ways: directly through Bluehost using Horde or Roundcube, or by integrating it with your Gmail account.

Integrating with Gmail allows you to manage all your emails from one place, which can be more convenient than logging into Bluehost each time you want to check your mail.

However, if you prefer to keep your business email separate and use it directly via Bluehost, that’s completely understandable. I’ll explain how to use both methods.

1. Directly via Bluehost

To access your email directly via Bluehost, simply go to “Email Accounts” as you did previously.

Click on "Email Accounts" in Bluehost

Select the email account you want to use and then click on “Check Email” to access it.

Check email via Bluehost

Select “Horde” or “Roundcube”, and click on the open.

Opening email via RoundCube

Once you click on “Check Email,” you’ll be taken directly to your inbox where you can view all of your emails.

Overview email inbox in RoundCube

2. Integrating it with Gmail

Integrating your business email with Gmail involves more complexity and requires some technical know-how. The process consists of two main steps:

Login in your Gmail account

Login into your Gmail

To integrate your business email with your main Gmail account, first ensure you’re logged into the Gmail account you want to integrate.

Then, navigate to the upper right corner of the Gmail interface, click on “Settings,” and select “See all settings.”

See "All Settings" in Gmail

After clicking “See all settings,” you will be directed to a new tab in Gmail where you can proceed with the integration settings.

View "General Settings" in Gmail

Yes, the settings page might look a bit complex at first, but there’s no need to worry—it’s straightforward. We won’t spend much time here.

Simply click on “Accounts and Import” to begin importing your main business email.

Opening accounts and import tab in Gmail

On the “Accounts and Import” page, you can manage your email addresses linked to your main Gmail account.

Since you might have multiple emails connected, look for the option “Add another email address” to integrate your business email.

Viewing an adding extra accounts in Gmail

After clicking “Add another email address,” a new window will appear where you need to enter your information.

Fill in the required fields and then click on “Next Step” to proceed with the setup.

Connecting Bluehost email into Gmail

Enter your Bluehost information in the provided fields, then click on “Save Changes” to finalize the setup.

Intergrate SMTP server from Bluehost

To integrate your Bluehost email with Gmail, you’ll need to enter your Bluehost account information in Gmail’s settings.

This includes the SMTP server (usually, your email username (the email address you created at Bluehost), and the password you set up at Bluehost. You should also enter the usual port number, 465, and select the option for a secured connection using SSL.

After entering all details, click “Save Changes.” You will then need to verify your email by entering a code sent by Google to your Bluehost email.

Bluehost SMTP server verification code mail
Entering the verification code to Bluehost

Once you receive the verification code, enter it and click “Verify.” You’ll be automatically redirected to the “Accounts and Import” page in Gmail. There, you should see your new email address added to the list.

All Bluehost account in Gmail

Is this everything that needs to be done?

Not quite; we’ve only finished the initial phase. Currently, we can send emails from our account, but we aren’t able to receive them in our inbox yet. The next step involves integrating another phase.

There’s no need to worry, though. Since you’ve successfully completed the first step, this next one should be simpler. It’s very similar to what you’ve already done, but even easier.

Please proceed to “Accounts and Import.”

Opening accounts and import tab in Gmail

From this point, scroll down until you find the option “Check mail from other accounts.” Here, you will need to add the business email just as you did previously.

Click on “Add a mail account.”

All Bluehost account in Gmail

Enter your information, then click on “Next Step.”

Adding the mail information

Select “POP3” and then click “Next.”

Choosing a POP3 provider into Gmail

Enter your Bluehost information.

Filling POP3 information from mail in Gmail

Here, you will need to input all the necessary details from your Bluehost account:

  • Username: Enter the email address you created on Bluehost, for example,
  • Password: Use the same password that you set up in Bluehost when creating your email.
  • POP Server: This will be the same as the SMTP server you used previously.
  • Port: Typically, this is 995.

After filling out all the fields, make sure to select both options below:

  • Always use a secure connection (SSL) when retrieving mail.
  • Label incoming messages: Consider creating a new label for easier management of your emails, such as “Bluehost Emails”.
Choosinga specific email from Bluehost

After entering all the required information, click on “Add Account.” You will then be redirected to the “Accounts and Import” page. If your address has been successfully added, you should see it listed under “Check mail from other accounts.”

That’s everything you need to do. Now, you can view all your new emails in your Gmail inbox and send emails from your business email.

Checking and sending emails

Now that you have connected your email with Gmail, let’s go through how to effectively utilize it.

How to check your emails?

I created labels for my emails to make it easier to check them.

Choosinga specific email from Bluehost

Now that each email has its own label, you can simply click on the label to see if you have any new messages. It’s quite straightforward, right?

You might be wondering how to send emails from your business account. It’s simple—let me guide you step by step.

How to send emails?

Start by clicking on “Compose.” In the message box, if you click on “From,” you will now be able to select your business email.

Choosing email sender

Write your message and then send it.

Is a Bluehost domain worth it?

To determine the value of a Bluehost domain, one must consider its impact on brand credibility and recognition. Owning a professional email address like enhances credibility, fosters customer trust, and encourages engagement.

Is Bluehost slow?

The performance of websites hosted on Bluehost varies based on several factors, including choosing the hosting plan, web optimization strategies, and server load. The suitability of a hosting plan often depends on the size of your website; as your site grows, upgrading your plan is advisable to maintain performance.

Bluehost email forwarding

Bluehost provides an email forwarding feature, which allows you to forward emails from one address to another automatically. This is especially useful for managing multiple email accounts or ensuring you receive all messages at a preferred inbox.

Alternatives to Bluehost

When considering alternatives to Bluehost, it’s essential to compare hosting providers like Hostinger and Siteground. Evaluate each provider based on performance, pricing, customer support, and specific features to find the best fit for your business needs.

Wrapping up

The importance of having a Bluehost business email is often overlooked. Many either don’t know how to set it up, choose not to pay for it, or simply forget. This article aims to assist Bluehost users in setting up a business email at no additional cost, elevating their business to a new level.

Bluehost is the #1 hosting provider recommended by WordPress.

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